Movies, TV, Family, Backups, Downloads shares.Here's an image of all my shares and Cache Settings.
Create your shares to be able to individually set settings for Disk Use, Cache Use & Split Level. Set SMB Security Settings for Flash Drive (under Main tab) to No. If you set to private, you can assign specific users access to each individual share. This will hide the shares from the Windows Network (but you can still access by typing the share name in the address bar. Set SMB Security Settings for User Shares/appdata/domains/isos/system to Yes(hidden). Once drives are added check the box at the bottom and format the drives since they will say they are 'Unmountable: No file system'. so it's best to stop your current dockers before invoking the Mover. To the current data to the cache, click ' Move Now' at the bottom of the 'Main' page that will invoke the Mover. Stop your dockers / VMs in case you have any running. system, domains share to Cache = Prefer. Add your NVME M.2 under Cache Devices ( format if needed). Assign Parity Drive (Must be as large as your biggest Data Drive). A trial key isn't needed for this so this can be done on any computer or laptop.) Preclear any new drives (10TB drives could take 1-2 days. #PLEX UNRAID SETUP INSTALL#
Install community Plugins (paste into URL address bar in the install plugin section).You can enter in the browser either the IP Address or the Server name (Http://Tower).Once booted up, it should display a .x IP Address.Reboot and set BOOT to the flash drive in the BIOS.Click 'Customize' to give your Unraid server a name.Open the USB Creator to set up Unraid on your flash drive (1GB minimum to Max 32GB).Unraid Official Wiki For more 1 on 1 help Click here Steps to Setup for initial setup