Plex unraid setup
Plex unraid setup

plex unraid setup

Movies, TV, Family, Backups, Downloads shares.Here's an image of all my shares and Cache Settings.

plex unraid setup

  • Create your shares to be able to individually set settings for Disk Use, Cache Use & Split Level.
  • Set SMB Security Settings for Flash Drive (under Main tab) to No.
  • If you set to private, you can assign specific users access to each individual share.
  • This will hide the shares from the Windows Network (but you can still access by typing the share name in the address bar.
  • Set SMB Security Settings for User Shares/appdata/domains/isos/system to Yes(hidden).
  • Once drives are added check the box at the bottom and format the drives since they will say they are 'Unmountable: No file system'.
  • so it's best to stop your current dockers before invoking the Mover.
  • To the current data to the cache, click ' Move Now' at the bottom of the 'Main' page that will invoke the Mover.
  • Stop your dockers / VMs in case you have any running.
  • system, domains share to Cache = Prefer.
  • Add your NVME M.2 under Cache Devices ( format if needed).
  • Assign Parity Drive (Must be as large as your biggest Data Drive).
  • A trial key isn't needed for this so this can be done on any computer or laptop.)
  • Preclear any new drives (10TB drives could take 1-2 days.

    Install community Plugins (paste into URL address bar in the install plugin section).You can enter in the browser either the IP Address or the Server name (Http://Tower).Once booted up, it should display a .x IP Address.Reboot and set BOOT to the flash drive in the BIOS.Click 'Customize' to give your Unraid server a name.Open the USB Creator to set up Unraid on your flash drive (1GB minimum to Max 32GB).Unraid Official Wiki For more 1 on 1 help Click here Steps to Setup for initial setup

    Plex unraid setup